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Thursday, 11 December 2008

Something New....

Ebony and Ivory
live together in perfect harmony
side by side on my piano keyboard
oh lord why dont we?
- Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder 'Ebony and Ivory'

Lately I've been receiving alot of attention from men - mainly White guys. Now before I delve any further on this topic, I want to state there is nothing wrong with finding 'Something New' or getting your 'Jungle Fever' on, but its not really my preference.

A few years ago if you had asked me whether or not I would date a White guy the answer would of been a quick NO. Simply because I've never really been attracted to one, don't get me wrong I can look at someone like Wenworth Miller and 'appreciate' his looks (lol) but the 'average Joe' is a different story (don't ask me why).

However, a part of me thinks, why should I limit my chances of finding a good man simply because he is a different colour? What if the man that can truly make me happy does not fit this small box of preference that I have created for myself?

Its a sad fact that Black Women are less likely to get married in comparison to any other race and we are also the least likely to marry outside our ethnic group...coincidence?

Maybe. Maybe not.

Although I also feel that there would be a huge culture clash within an interracial relationship. For example something like 'meeting the parents', which already has its own anxieties could be a very awkward experience. Coming from an African background, there are certain little aspects of my culture or codes of respect that my 'Vanilla Love' might not understand and may un-intentionally disrespect i.e calling my Mum by her first name (I know Gabrielle is nodding her head in agreement with that one lol).

Luckily for me most of family are quite open-minded, and I honestly don't think my mum would have a problem with me dating outside my race but I can definately see her making a few jokes though SMH.

This is a topic that I have discussed with various people, and its been mentioned that some Black women don't like to date outside of their race because they feel some sense of loyalty to the 'Brothers'. That's strange because It does'nt seem like the Black man shares this loyalty or maybe he is unaware of our unspoken pact?

....And is it me or does society make it more acceptable for a Black Man to date a White Women but not the other way round?

Then there's the issue of raising children. I don't know about you, but growing up I was confused enough, figuring out what nationality to tick on an application form. How do you provide a healthy balance of diverse cultures within a child's up-bringing?

I'm going to stop here because this post is already too long :-) Maybe I'll create a part 2?

Like always your comments/thoughts are welcomed,


1 Thoughts and Responses:

Fab Black Woman said...

This is a subject that has been talked about with my friends a lot of recent years, and like you, we were also very adamant that we'd never date interacially.
HOWEVER..growing up and seeing the likes of Wentworth Miller fighting for freedom on Prison Break 9he can break out my prison ANY day- no homo!) may have slightly changed that opinion...

but you know wat? As much as we may wanna be a little 'contemporary' and try the Vanilla instead of the Chocolate..i dunno man. I tried it and lets just say it didnt get past the first meeting. Aint nothing like a BLACK guy!

Very interesting topic btw!
do a part 2

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